Prof. Dr.
Aslıhan Nasır
Lisans: İstanbul Üni.,İngilizce İktisat
Yüksek Lisans: İstanbul Üni.,Uluslararası İşletme
Doktora: Boğaziçi Üni.,İşletme (Pazarlama)
MIS 116 - Pazarlama Prensipleri
MIS 441 - Müşteri İlişkileri Yönetimi
MIS 582 - Yüksek Teknoloji Ürünlerinin ve Yeniliklerin Pazarlanması
MIS 586 - Dijital Pazarlama ve Sosyal Medya
MIS 653 - Sayısal Ekonomide Pazarlama Stratejileri
BIS 546 - Müşteri İlişkileri Yönetimi
Marka Yönetimi
İnovasyon ve Yüksek Teknoloji Ürünleri Pazarlaması
Bilişim ve Etik
Online Tüketici Davranışı ve e-Pazarlama
- Ozturk, E., Nasir, V. Aslihan, and Turker, Hande B. (2024) “Critical Success Factors of Co-innovation Platforms: A Systematic Literature Review”. Innovation & Management Review, Vol.21, Issue: 3, pp. 168-181. (Scopus).
- Basarir-Ozel, B., Nasir, V. Aslihan & Hande B. Turker, (2023). “Determinants of Smart Home Adoption and Differences Across Technology Readiness Segments”. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 197. December Issue. Article 122924.(SSCI).
- Sayin, S., Nasir, V. Aslihan, and Durahim, A. Onur (2023). “Identifying Specific Interest Areas of Twitter Users Tweeting about Cryptocurrencies”. International Journal of Business Information Systems, Vol. 42 No.2 (February), pp. 289-302. (Scopus).
- Basarir-Ozel, B., Turker, H.B., Nasir, V.A. (2022), "Identifying the Key Drivers and Barriers of Smart Home Adoption: A Thematic Analysis from the Business Perspective", Sustainability, Vol: 14, No: 15 (SSCI) .
- Nasir, V.Aslihan, Keseral A.C., Surgit, O.E., Nalbant, M. (2021), "Segmenting Consumers Based on Social Media Advertising Perceptions: How Does Purchase Intention Differ Across Segments?", Telematics and Informatics, Vol: 64 (November) (SSCI) .
- Kocak, E., Nasir, V. Aslihan, Turker, Hande B. (2020), "What drives Instagram usage? User motives and personality traits", Online Information Review, Vol: 44, No: 3, pp. 625-643 (SSCI) .
- Nasır, V.A. (2017), "Identification of Web User Segments based on Beliefs about Online Ads", Journal of Internet Commerce, Vol: 16, No: 3, pp. 231-254 (Scopus, e-SCI).
- Bayramusta, M., Nasir, V.A. (2016), "A Fad or Future of IT?: A comprehensive literature review on the cloud computing research", International Journal of Information Management, Vol: 36, No: 4, pp. 635-644 (SSCI) .
- Arkali, G., Nasir, V.A. (2016), "Yükseköğretimde Uluslararasılaşma: En Çok Öğrenci Alan Ülkeler ve Türkiye Perspektifinden 1999-2013 Yıllarına Bakış", Journal of Higher Education and Science, Vol: 6, No: 3, pp. 288-297. DOI: 10.5961/jhes.2016.00x.
- Ari, E., Nasir, A. (2015), "A Review of Literature on Consumers’ Online Purchase Intentions", Journal of Customer Behavior, Vol: 14, No: 3, pp. 215-233.
- Nasır, V.A., Karakaya, F. (2014), "Underlying Motivations of Organic Food Purchase Intentions", Agribusiness: An International Journal, Vol: 30, No: 3, pp. 290-308 (SSCI) .
- Karakaya, F, Quigley, C., Bingham, F., Hari, J., Nasir, V. A. (2014), "Business Students’ Perception of Sales Careers: Differences Between Students in Switzerland, Turkey, and the United States", Journal of Education for Business, Vol: 89, No: 1, pp. 13-19. DOI: 10.1080/08832323.2012.740520 (e-SCI).
- Bozanta, A., Nasir, V.A. (2014), "Usage of Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation in Marketing", Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol: 2, No: 3, pp. 240-245.
- Nasir, V. A., Karakaya, F. (2014), "Consumer Segments in Organic Foods Market", Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol: 31, No: 4, pp. 263-277 (Scopus, e-SCI).
- Nasir, V.A., Ozturan, M., Kiran, S. (2011), (2011), "Beliefs About and Attitudes Towards Online Advertising", The Business Review, Cambridge, Vol: 17, No: 2, pp. 61-67.
- Ozturan, M., Nasir, V.A., Kiran, S. (2011), "Consumers’ Beliefs About Companies Using Online Advertising", The Business Review, Cambridge, Vol: 17, No: 2, pp. 147-152..
- Kimiloglu, H., Nasir, V.A., Nasir, S. (2010), "Discovering Behavioral Segments in the Mobile Phone Market", Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol: 27, No: 5, pp. 401-413 (Scopus, e-SCI).
- Nasir, V.A., Altinbasak, I. (2009), "The Standardization/Adaptation Debate: Creating a Framework for the New Millenium", Strategic Management Review, Vol: 3, No: 1, pp. 17-50.
- Nasir, S., Nasir, V. A. (2005), "Analyzing the Role of Customer Base Differences in Developing Customer Relationship Management Strategies", The Journal of American Academy of Business, Vol: 7, No: 2, pp. 32-38.
- Nasir, V. A. (2005), "A Review of Salient Dimensions of On-line Market Research: Is On-line Research Better?", Journal of Internet Business, Vol: 2, pp. 1-22.
- Nasir, V.A. (2004), "E-consumer Complaints About On-line Stores", Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, Vol: 17, pp. 68-87.
- Nasir, V. A., Turker, H. B. (2018), "Bölüm 15: Reklam ve Halkla İlişkiler. Çeviri Chapter 15: Advertising and Public Relations. Principles of Marketing. By P. Kotler & G. Armstrong. Ed. Prof.Dr.Ercan Gegez", ss. 448-475.
- Nasir, V.Aslihan, Nasir, S. (2017), "Chp. 9: Determining the Role of Communication Channels to Promote Organic Foods. In the book-Driving Agribusiness with Technology Innovations- edited by T. Tarnanidis, M. Vlachopoulou and J. Papathanasiou", ss. 149-164, IGI-Global, USA. ISBN13: 9781522521075.
- Nasır, S., Nasır, V.A., Dalgıç, T. (2010), "Bölüm 21: Enerji Sektöründe Pazarlama ve Yönetimi : Alternatif Enerji Kaynaklarının Pazarlanması", ss. 642-658.
- Nasır, A., Nasır, S. (2009), "Brand Personality of Web Search Engines: Who Is The Conqueror of The Digital Age? In the book-Contemporary Research in e-Branding- edited by Subir K. Bandyopadhyay", ss. 32-47, IGI-Global, USA.
- Nasır, S., Nasır, A. (2008), "Hizmet Kalitesi", ss. 237-254, Ankara: Aile Arastirma Kurumu Baskanligi Yayınlari.
- Nasir, A., Nasir, S. (2007), "Turizm Pazarlaması ve Yönetimi", Sürdürülebilir Rekabet Avantaji Elde Etmede Turizm Sektörü: Sektörel Stratejiler ve Uygulamalar. Ed. Eraslan, H.I. ve Bulu, M., URAK Yayinlari.
- Nasir, A., Bulu, M., Eraslan, I.H. (2006), "The Analysis of Tourism Cluster Development of Istanbul: A Longitudinal Study in Sultanahmet District (Old Town). In R. Macgregor & A. Hodgkinson (eds.), Small Business Clustering Technologies: Applications in Marketing, Management, Economics, Finance and IT", USA: Idea Group Publisher.
- Nasır, A., Kımıloglu, H. (2006), "Organik tarim ürünlerinin ekonomik boyutu ve pazarlanmasi organik tarim sektörünün sürdürülebilir rekabet avantaji: Uygulamalar ve stratejiler", In I. H. Eraslan (Ulusal Rekabet Arastirmalari Kurumu-URAK) & F. Selli (GAP Idaresi Baskanligi), Istanbul: URAK Yayinlari.
- Nasir, V.A. (2012), "Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma için Yükseköğretim Politika ve Stratejileri", Yükseköğretim Dergisi, Cilt: 2, Sayı: 3, ss. 137-141.
- Nasır, A., Deniz, E.U., Çetin, A., Özgen, Ö. (2008), "The Content Analysis of Turkish Banks’ Web Sites for CRM Related Applications", Yönetim: Istanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi İşletme İktisadi Enstitüsü Dergisi, Cilt: 19, Sayı: 59, ss. 18-26.
Nasir, V.A., Turker, H.B., Uzun, G., & Kuzu, R. (2024). “The Determinants of Omnichannel Integration in Fashion Industry”. 6th International Conference on New Trends in Management, Business and Economics, on October 25-27, Nice/France.
Turker, H.B., Nasir, V.A., Sirman, B., & Ozelli, O. (2024). “Using the Nostalgia Appeal in Advertising: A Study on its Effect on Brand Perception”. 6th International Conference on New Trends in Management, Business and Economics, on October 25-27, Nice/France.
- Nasir, V.A., Turker, H.B., Aykac, E.D., & E.B. Unal (2023). “The Factors Affecting Gen Z’s Loyalty Toward Online Marketplaces”. 24th Annual International Conference of Global Business and Technology Association (GBATA) on July 10-14, Prag/Czech Republic.
- Turker, H.B., Nasir, V.A., Sucu, Y., & Yilmaz, B. (2023). “Consuming and Engaging With News in Socıal Media: Do All Users Have Similar Motives? 24th Annual International Conference of Global Business and Technology Association (GBATA) on July 10-14, Prag/Czech Republic.
- Bardakci, S., Akkoyunlu, B., Aksu-Yildirim, S., Kozanoglu, M.D., Uludag, G., Avsaroglu, M.D., Nasir, V.Aslihan, Ercan, S., & Elmas, M. (2021), "The Supporting Role of Quality Agencies for a Sustainable QA System: The Education Model in the New Normal Environment", INQAAHE Conference Re-Imagining of Higher Education Quality in an Age of Uncertainty, Glasgow, UK (Virtual Conference), 7-10 June 2021.
- Atasü, S. İdil, Nasir, V. Aslihan, Turker, Hande B. (2021), "What is Important for Consumers in Wearable Medical Device (WMD) Usage Intention?", Emerging Trends in Marketing & Management (ETIMM), pp. 40-48, Bucharest, Romania (Virtual Conference), 1-2 July 2021.
- Uludag, G., Bardakci, S., Yildiz, O.F., Tunc, Y., Akkoyunlu, B., Nasir, V.A., Ercan, S., & Elmas, M. (2020), "Assessing Students’ Learning Online: It’s More Than Testing", The 12th Higher Education International Conference on Teaching and Learning Quality Assurance in Higher Education under the Pandemic, APQN and Macao Polytechnic Institute (MPI), (Virtual Conference), 25-26 November.
- Akbas, M. C., Nasir, V. A. (2019), "The Impact of Personality Traits on What Snapchat Users Share", 20th International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS), organized by EUSER, pp. 172-176, Zurich, Switzerland, 6-7 September.
- Ercan, S., Nasir, V.A., Gunduz, A.Y., Uludag, G., Aksu-Yildirim, S., Elmas, M., Akkoyunlu, B. (2019), "The Impact of On-line Simulation Platform on Training of Evaluation Team Members", 2019 European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF), Berlin, Germany, 21-23 November.
- Kocak, E., Nasir, V. A., Turker, H. (2019), "Personality Trait Differences of Instagram Users and Non-Users", 20th International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS), organized by EUSER, pp. 13-21, Zurich, Switzerland, 6-7 September.
- Nasir, V. A., Tokgöz, H.B., Demir, M. (2018), "IT Profeessionals' Beliefs about Green Information Technology", International Congress on Social Sciences. International Symposium on Information Technologies and Applied Sciences, pp. 453-454, Jerusalem, March 23-25.
- Turker, H. B., Nasir, V. A., Erguney, U., Senel, C. (2018), "Factors Determining the Adoption of Sharing Economy Models in the Travel Context", Emerging Trends in Marketing & Management (ETIMM), pp. 57-58, Bucharest, Romania, September 27-29.
- Nasir, V.A., Yasar, R. (2018), "Green IT: The Perspective of IT Professionals", Emerging Trends in Marketing & Management Conference (ETIMM), pp. 66-67, Bucharest, Romania, September 27-29.
- Nasir, V. Aslihan, Sahin, F., Ozer, B. (2017), "Consumers’ Intention to Use IoT Products: The Case of Smart Home Devices", I. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi (USOS 2017), Granada, Spain, 17-24 September.
- Öztürk, E., Nasir, V. Aslihan (2016), "The Evolution of E-Wom: Is it the Pixie Dust of the Digital Age?", 18th GBATA Annual International Conference (Global Business and Technology Association), pp. 423-430, Dubai, UAE, Oct. 16-20.
- Onay, C., Nasir, V. Aslihan, Çetin, A.S. (2016), "Does Mobile Banking Affect Customer Satisfaction?: Evidence from Turkey", 18th GBATA Annual International Conference (Global Business and Technology Association), pp. 415-422, Dubai, UAE, Oct. 16-20.
- Günay, D., Nasir, S., Nasir, V. A. (2015), "The Evolution and Transformation of Engineerıng Hıgher Education", FEIIC-International Conference on Engineering Education & Research 2015 [FICEER 2015], Madinah, Saudi Arabia, 19-21 Dec.
- Bozanta, A., Nasir, V. A. (2014), "Usage of Agent-based Modelling & Simulation in Marketing", International Conference on Advances and Management Sciences (ICAMS-2014), Barcelona, Spain, Feb. 21-22.
- Coskun, M., Nasir, V. A. (2014), "Cloud Computing: A Program, A Course, A Chapter or A Topic?", Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Conference (ABSRC-2014), Venice, Italy, March 26-28.
- Ari, E., Nasir, V. A. (2014), "A Critical Review of Online Consumers’ Purchase Intentions", Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Conference (ABSRC-2014), Venice, Italy, March 26-28.
- Charles, Q., Karakaya, F., Bingham, F., Hari, J., Nasir, V.A. (2011), "Perceptions of Salespeople and A Sales Career: A Comparison of U.S., Swiss, and Turkish Students", The Academy of Business Research Conference, pp. 45-56, New Orleans, USA, Spring Conference. ABR-Trump Plaza Best Paper in Marketing Award.
- Karakaya, F, Charles Q., Bingham, F., Hari, J., Nasir, V.A. (2011), "Sales career as Perceived by Business Students in Europe and the Unuted States", Proceedings of Decision Sciences Institute National Conference, pp. 24.
- Nasir, V.A., Unsal, M., Kutaruk,Y. (2009), "The Impact of Web Addresses in Offline Media Advertising", Proceedings of International Academy of Management and Business (IAMB), Istanbul, Turkey, 12-14 October.
- Nasir, A., Uyanik, H. (2008), "Consumer Satisfaction, Loyalty And Switching Behavior in Airline Industry", Global Technology & Business Association (GBATA):Evolution & Revolution in the Global Knowledge Economy: Enhancing Innovation & Competitiveness Worldwide, Madrid, Spain.
- Nasir, A., Gunes, F., Yoruker, S., Ozdemir, Y. (2006), "Turkish Consumers' Perceptions About Laptop Brands", Proceedings of the Global Technology and Business Association (GBATA): Management and Technology in the Global Economy: Nurturing Innovations & National Heritage, Moscow, Russia.
- Kimiloglu, H., Nasir, A., Nasir, S. (2006), "Consumer Satisfaction, Loyalty and Switching Behavior: An Empirical Study on the Mobile Phone Market in Turkey", Proceedings of the Global Business and Technology Association International Conference, Moscow, Russia.
- Nasir, A., Yoruker, S., Gunes, F., Ozdemir, Y. (2006), "Factors Influencing Consumers Laptop Purchases", Proceedings of the 6th Global Conference on Business & Economics (GCBE), Boston: Harvard University, USA.
- Nasir, A. (2005), "A Review on Pricing: The Economic Dimension of Marketing Mix", Proceedings of the Global Technology and Business Association (GBATA), Global Markets in Dynamic Environments: Making Positive Connections Through Strategy, Technology & Knowledge, Lisbon, Portugal, 12-16 July 2005.
- Bulu, M., Eraslan, I. H., Nasir, A. (2005), "The Characteristics of Turkish Entrepreneurs", Proceedings of the Global Technology and Business Association (GBATA), Global Markets in Dynamic Environments: Making Positive Connections Through Strategy, Technology & Knowledge, Lisbon, Portugal, 12-16 July 2005.
- Nasir, A. (2004), "Consumer Complaints about On-line Travel Agencies", Proceedings of the Global Issues & Trends in Hospitality & Tourism Industry. EuroCHRIE 2004 Congress, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, 3-7 Nov 1994.
- Nasir, A. (2002), "Socialization of Technology in Relationship Marketing", Proceedings of the The Impact of Globalization on the World Business in the New Millenium. 11th World Business Congress. International Management Development Association (IMDA), Antalya, Turkey, 10-14 July 2002.
- Nasir, A. (2001), "The Service Branding: Opportunities for Research", Proceedings of the International Conference on Service Management, Université D'Angers, France, 22-23 March 2001.
- Caliskan, S., Toker, A., Nasir, V.A. (2017), "Determinants of Consumers’ Personal Health Technology Usage Intentions", 22.Pazarlama Kongresi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi/Trabzon, Türkiye, 28-30 Eylül.
- Nasir, A., Nasir, S. (2005), "Uluslararasi Pazarlamanin Gelisimi, Degisimi ve Transformasyonu: Içerik Analizi", 10. Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi Bildirileri, Dogu Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Gazi Magusa, KKTC.