Dr. Öğr. Üyesi
Aysun Bozanta
Lisans: Işık Üni.,Matematik Müh., MIS (ÇAP)
Yüksek Lisans: Boğaziçi Üni.,MIS
Doktora: Boğaziçi Üni.,MIS
Postdoc: Toronto Metropolitan University - Data Science Lab
- Toronto Metropolitan University (Ryerson University) Data Science Lab Project, “Getir– Competitors’ Price Prediction”, 2021 – present.
- Toronto Metropolitan University (Ryerson University) Data Science Lab Project, “Intraday Trading Data Analytics with Financial News from Twitter”, 2019 – Present (TUBITAK, Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship).
- Toronto Metropolitan University (Ryerson University) Data Science Lab Project, “Getir- Courier Assignment by Reinforcement Learning”, 2019 – 2020.
- Erasmus+ Project (2017-1-TR01-KA202-046541), “Online Vocational Education and Training Platform”, 2017 – 2019.
- Boğaziçi University Scientific Research Project (12500), “Industry 4.0 Standardization Roadmap for Turkey”, 2017 – 2019.
- Boğaziçi University Scientific Research Project (11463), “Context-Aware Location Recommender System: Analysis of Location-Based Social Network”, 2016 – 2019.
- Boğaziçi University Scientific Research Project (6724), “Evaluation of virtual environments for serious games of team building, 2012 – 2014.
- Bozanta, A., Cevik, M., Kavaklioglu, C., Kavuk, E.M., Tosun, A., Sonuc, S.B., Duranel, A., Basar, A. (2022) “Courier routing and assignment for food delivery service using reinforcement learning”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 164(2022), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2021.107871 (SCI).
- Jahanshahi, H., Bozanta, A., Cevik, M., Kavuk, E. M., Tosun, A., Sonuc, S. B., ... & Başar, A. (2022). A deep reinforcement learning approach for the meal delivery problem. Knowledge-Based Systems, 243(2022), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2022.108489 (SCI).
- Drummond, B., & Bozanta, A. (2022). Exploring Public Responses to Government’s COVID-19 Pandemic Policies. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 12(2), e202212. https://doi.org/10.30935/ojcmt/11829 (ESCI, Scopus).
- Lak, P., Bozanta, A., Kavaklioglu, C., Cevik, M., Basar, A., Petitclerc, M., Wills, G. (2021) “A replication study on implicit feedback recommender systems with application to the data visualization recommendation”, Expert Systems, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/exsy.12871 (SCI-E).
- Kavuk, E M, Tosun, A., Cevik, M., Bozanta, A., Sonuc, S B, Tutuncu, M., Kosucu, B., Basar, A. (2021) “Order Dispatching for an Ultra-Fast Delivery Servicevia Deep Reinforcement Learning”, Applied Intelligence, pp. 1-26 (SCI, SCI-E).
- Akar, E., Hakyemez T., Bozanta, A., Akar, S. “What sells on the fake news market? Examining the impact of contextualized rhetorical features on the popularity of fake tweets”, Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 12(1), e202201 (ESCI, Scopus).
- Aydin, I., Bozanta, A., Cevik, M., Basar, A. (2021), “An SVEICRD model for assessing the impact of the lock-down intervention and vaccination strategies on the spread of COVID-19 (preprint)”, Authorea. October 16, 2021. DOI: 10.22541/au.163434613.37699406/v1
- Bozanta, A., Cevik, M., Baldassarre MT., Basar, A. (2020), " The Effects of Easing and Tightening the Lock-Down Intervention on the Spread of COVID-19", Available at SSRN 3677540
- Bozanta, A., Kutlu, B. (2019), "HybRecSys: Content-based contextual hybrid venue recommender system", Journal of Information Science, Vol: 45, No: 2, pp. 212-226 (SSCI) .
- Bozanta, A., Coskun, M., Kutlu, B. (2018), "Usage Factors of Location-Based Social Applications: The Case of Foursquare", International Journal of Web Based Communities, Vol: 14, No: 2, pp. 128-148 (Scopus).
- Bozanta, A., Kutlu, B. (2018), "Do Twitter phenomena check-in popular venues on Foursquare too?", Information Discovery and Delivery (ESCI, Scopus), Vol: 46, No: 3, pp. 137-146, https://doi.org/10.1108/IDD-04-2018-0012.
- Bozanta, A., Kutlu, B. (2018), "Developing A Contextually Personalized Hybrid Recommender System", Mobile Information Systems, pp. 1-13, https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/3258916 (SCI-E) (SCIE) .
- Bozanta, A., Kutlu, B. (2017), "Current State and Future Trends in Location Recommender Systems", International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science(IJITCS), Vol: 9, No: 6, pp. 1-8.
- Bozanta, A., Coskun, M., Kutlu, B., Ozturan, M. (2017), "Relationship Between Stock Market Indices and Google Trends", The Online Journal of Science and Technology (TOJSAT), Vol: 7, No: 4, pp. 168-172.
- Bozanta, A., Mardikyan, S. (2017), "The Effects of Social Media Use on Collaborative Learning: A Case of Turkey", TOJDE, Vol: 18, No: 1, pp. 96-110 (ESCI).
- Bozanta, A., Kutlu, B., Nowlan, N., Shirmohammadi, S. (2016), "Effects of Serious Games on Perceived Team Cohesiveness in a Multi-User Virtual Environment", Computers in Human Behaviour, Vol: 59, No: 2016, pp. 380-388 (SSCI) .
- Ozturan, M., Bozanta, A., Basarir-Ozel, B., Akar, E., Coskun, M. (2015), "A Roadmap for an Integrated University Information System Based on Connectivity Issues: Case of Turkey", The International Journal of Management Science and Information Technology (IJMSIT), No: 17, pp. 7-29.
- Bozanta, A., Nasir, V.A. (2014), "Usage of Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation in Marketing", Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol: 2, No: 3, pp. 240-245.
- Kutlu, B., Bozanta, A., Ates, E., Erdogan, S., Gokay, O., Kan, N. (2014), "Project Management Software Selection Using Analytic Hierarchy Process Method", International Journal of Applied Science and Technology, Vol: 4, No: 6, pp. 113-119.
- Coskun, A., Bozanta, A. (2019), "Industry 4.0 and Key Technologies: A Review in the book Industry 4.0 from the MIS Perspective", The Peter Lang Publishing Group, Istanbul.
- Kutlu, B.,, Bozanta, A.,, Coskun, M.,, Disci, D. (2016), "Factors Affecting Foursquare Usage: Case of Turkey", ISRC Selected Papers Series-Management Information Systems Congress 2014, (Editors) Meltem Ozturan, Birgul Kutlu", ss. 81-93, Bogazici University Press House, Istanbul.
Topal M, Bozanta A, Basar A (2024). "Sentiment Analysis with LLMs: Evaluating QLoRA Fine-tuning, Instruction Strategies, and Prompt Sensitivity". 34th International Conference on Collaborative Advances in Software and COmputiNg (CASCON)'24. Toronto-Canada.
Çınar M, Öğüt A, Uzer Z, Bozanta A (2024). "Bibliometric Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Utilization in Agricultural Domain". 11th International Management Information Systems Conference, 2024. Konya - Türkiye.
- Kici, D., Bozanta A., Cevik, M., Parikh, D., Basar, A. (2021), “Text classification on software requirements specifications using transformer models” CASCON’21, Virtual Conference, Nov 22- 25, 2021. (Best Paper Award)
- Bozanta, A., Angco, S., Cevik, M., Basar, A. (2021), “Sentiment Analysis of StockTwits Using Transformer Models”, 20th IEEE 2021 International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (IEEE ICMLA’21), Virtual Conference, Dec 13-16, 2021.
- Kazmi, S., Bozanta, A., Cevik, M. (2021), “Time Series Forecasting for Patient Arrivals in Online Health Services” CASCON’21, Virtual Conference, Nov 22-25, 2021.
- Ozturan, M., Kutlu, B., Bozanta, A. (2019), "Assessing the Industry 4.0 Readiness of Turkish Companies: A Pilot Study on Machinery Sub-Sectors", Sixth International Management Information Systems Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 9-12 October.
- Bozanta, A., Kutlu, B. (2018), "Do Twitter Phenomena Check-In Popular Venues on Foursquare Too?", International Multidisciplinary Conference on Education, Arts, Law, Business & Politics (MEALP-18), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 3-4 February 2018.
- Coskun, A., Bozanta, A. (2017), "Industry 4.0 and Key Technologies: A Review", 4th International Management Information Systems Conference (IMISC-2017), Istanbul, Turkey, 17-20 October.
- Bozanta, A., Coskun, M., Kutlu, B., Ozturan, M. (2016), "Relationship Between Stock Market Indices and Google Trends", International Science and Technology Conference, pp. 1023-1027, Viyana, Avusturya, 13-15 July 2016.
- Bozanta, A., Nasir, V. A. (2014), "Usage of Agent-based Modelling & Simulation in Marketing", International Conference on Advances and Management Sciences (ICAMS-2014), Barcelona, Spain, Feb. 21-22.
- Kutlu B., Bozanta, A., Nowlan, N. (2013), "Multi-User Virtual Environments and Serious Games for Team Building in Organizations", Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace (ICELW 2013), New York, NY, USA, June 12-14.
- Bozanta, A., Kutlu B., Nowlan, N., Shirmohammadi, S. (2012), "Multi User Virtual Environments and Serious Games for Team Building", Procedia Computer Science, 4th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications (VS-GAMES’12), Vol: 15, pp. 301-302.
- Kutlu, B., Bozanta, A., Coşkun, M. (2015), "Konum Tabanlı Sosyal Ağlar İçin Tavsiye Sistemlerinde Yeni Eğilimler: Bir Değişkenler ve Algoritmalar İncelemesi", 2. Ulusal Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri Kongresi, ss. 857-868, Erzurum, Türkiye, 8-10 Ekim 2015.
- Kutlu, B., Bozanta, A., Coşkun, M., Dişçi, D. (2014), "Foursquare Kullanımına Etki Eden Faktörler: Türkiye Örneği", Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri Kongresi, İstanbul, Türkiye, 16-17 Ekim 2014.