International Articles
- ÇAKIR FAHRETTİN, SÖBÜ ZEYNEP BURCU (2024). The mediating role of spirituality in the impact of employees' dark leadership perceptions on organizational dissent. Quality & Quantity
- Methods for Increasing the Cyber Resilience of Critical Infrastructures, Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): Journal of Millimeterwave Communication, Optimization and Modelling
- Metin B., et al. (2024). IT Risk Management: Towards a System for Enhancing Objectivity in Asset Valuation that Engenders a Security Culture. Information, Vol: 15, No: 55
- Ozturk E., et al. (2024). Critical Success Factors of Co-innovation Platforms: A Systematic Literature Review. Innovation & Management Review
- Okay, N. C., et al. (2024). Quantitative Indicators for Environmental and Social Sustainability Performance Assessment of the Supply Chain. Environment, Development and Sustainability
- Mi, L., et al. (2024). Demystifying intuitional and rational decision-marking – symmetrical and asymmetrical analysis. Australasian Marketing Journal
- Taşel, F.M. & Özturan, M. (2024). Technology Acceptance of Mobile Online Class Notes: The Case of High School Students
- Metin B., Özhan F. G., and Wynn M. (2024). Digitalisation and Cybersecurity: Towards an Operational Framework. Electronics
- ÇAKIR FAHRETTİN, THOMAS BARRETT W., et al. (2023). Rollout-based routing strategies with embedded prediction: A fish trawling application. Computers and Operations Research
- ALTINIŞIK GUNDA ESRA, et al. (2023). Network analysis of innovation mentor community of practice. Kybernetes
- Sayin, S., Nasir, V. Aslihan, and Durahim, A. Onur (2023). Identifying Specific Interest Areas of Twitter Users Tweeting about Cryptocurrencies. International Journal of Business Information Systems
- Özkul, A.M., Özturan, M. (2023). Green Information Technology Behavior of Young Generation. International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation
- Mutluturk M., Metin B. (2023). Mapping The Phishing Attacks Research Landscape: A Bibliometric Analysis And Taxonomy. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
- Basarir-Ozel, B., Nasir, V. Aslihan & Hande B. Turker (2023). Determinants of Smart Home Adoption and Differences Across Technology Readiness Segments. Technological Forecasting and Social Change
- Wittenberg, H., et al. (2023). Different perspectives on engagement, where to from here? A systematic literature review. International Journal of Management Reviews
- Weerasinghe, K., et al. (2023). Alignment of Big Data Perceptions Across Levels in Healthcare: The case of New Zealand. Australasian Journal of Information Systems
- Cho, Y.K., et al. (2023). Positive Relationships between Service Performance and Social Media Use in Internet Retailing: Does Information Symmetry Matter? Contemporary Management Research
- Huang, Y.M., et al. (2023). A Model of Information Seeking Strategies for Laypeople in Healthcare Decision Making. Whitireia Journal of Nursing, Health and Social Services
- Duran, G., et al. (2023). To Satisfy or not to Satisfy the Customer: A Machine Learning Perspective. European Chemical Bulletin
- Dadich, A., et al. (2023). Cues disseminated by professional associations that represent five healthcare professions across five nations: A lexical analysis of tweets. Journal of Medical Internet Research
- Tasoluk, Berker, and Zuhal Tanrikulu (2023). A Novel Hybrid Algorithm Based on Word and Method Ranking for Password Security. International journal of computer science and network security
- Ozdemir, S., Wynn, M., Metin, B. (2023). Cybersecurity and Country of Origin: Towards a New Framework for Assessing Digital Product Domesticity. Sustainability
- SÖNMEZ FERDİ, et al. (2022). Investigation of university websites from technology acceptance model and information architecture perspective: A case study. Journal of Information Science
- Bozanta, A., et al. (2022). Courier routing and assignment for food delivery service using reinforcement learning. Computers & Industrial Engineering
- Jahanshahi, H., et al. (2022). A deep reinforcement learning approach for the meal delivery problem. Knowledge-Based Systems
- Drummond, B., & Bozanta, A. (2022). Exploring Public Responses to Government's COVID-19 Pandemic Policies. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies
- Basarir-Ozel, B., et al. (2022). Identifying the Key Drivers and Barriers of Smart Home Adoption: A Thematic Analysis from the Business Perspective. Sustainability
- Yu, J., et al. (2022). Investigating the Determinants of Big Data Analytics Adoption in Decision Making: An Empirical Study in New Zealand, China, and Vietnam. Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems
- Ceken, B., & Taskin, N. (2022). Multimedia learning principles in different learning environments: A systematic review. Smart Learning Environments
- Wang, W., et al. (2022). Enterprise Systems, Emerging Technologies, and The Data-driven Knowledge Organisation. Knowledge Management Research & Practice
- Weerasinghe, K., et al. (2022). Big Data Analytics for Clinical Decision Making: Understanding Health Sector Perceptions of Policy and Practice. Technological Forecasting & Social Change
- Sencer, A., Karaismailoglu, A. (2022). A Simulation and Analytic Hierarchy Process Based Decision Support System for Air Cargo Warehouse Design. Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International
- Metin, B., et al. (2022). MOSFET-C Current Mode Filter for Secure Communication Applications. AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications
- Metin, B., et al. (2022). Mosfet-C Transimpedance Filters With Central Frequency Tunability Feature. International Journal of Electronics
- Metin, B., et al. (2022). Supplementary MOSFET-C transimpedance mode filters for wireless systems. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing
- Yılmaz Benk, G., et al. (2022). A New 360◦ Framework to Predict Customer Lifetime Value for Multi-Category E-Commerce Companies Using a Multi-Output Deep Neural Network and Explainable Artificial Intelligence. Information
- DİNÇ YUSUF, et al. (2021). Economics of savings-based finance: an interest-free model of rotating savings and credit association in Turkey. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research
- ÇAKIR FAHRETTİN (2021). Evaluating Predictive Models in the Orienteering Problem with Stochastic Profits: A Simulation Study. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi
- KAFKAS KENAN, et al. (2021). Discovering Customer Purchase Patterns in Product Communities: An Empirical Study on Co-Purchase Behavior in an Online Marketplace. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
- Lak, P., et al. (2021). A replication study on implicit feedback recommender systems with application to the data visualization recommendation. Expert Systems
- Kavuk, E M, et al. (2021). Order Dispatching for an Ultra-Fast Delivery Servicevia Deep Reinforcement Learning. Applied Intelligence
- Aydin, I., et al. (2021). An SVEICRD model for assessing the impact of the lock-down intervention and vaccination strategies on the spread of COVID-19 (preprint). Authorea
- Jafarzadeh, H., et al. (2021). Making sense of COVID-19 over time in New Zealand: Assessing the public conversation using Twitter. Plos One
- Aydinliyurt, E.T., et al. (2021). Continuance Intention in Gamified Mobile Applications: A study of Behavioral Inhibition and Activation Systems. International Journal of Information Management
- Intezari, A., et al. (2021). Toward a Foundational KM theory: A Culture-based Perspective. Journal of Knowledge Management
- Yu, J., et al. (2021). Building social media-based knowledge ecosystems for enhancing business resilience through mass collaboration. International Journal of Organizational Analysis
- Coskun, A., Tanrıkulu, Z. (2021). Digital Innovations-Driven Business Model Regeneration: A Process Model. Technology in Society
- Coskun, A., Tanrıkulu, Z. (2021). m-Universities: Critical Sustainability Factors. Sage Open
- Alacam, S., Sencer, A. (2021). Using Blockchain Technology to Foster Collaboration among Shippers and Carriers in the Trucking Industry: A Design Science Research Approach. Logistics
- Schuur, P., Badur, B., Sencer, A. (2021). An explicit Nash Equilibrium for a Market Share Attraction Game. Operations Research Perspectives
- Nasir, V.Aslihan, et al. (2021). Segmenting Consumers Based on Social Media Advertising Perceptions: How Does Purchase Intention Differ Across Segments? Telematics and Informatics
- Cevik, I., et al. (2021). Transimpedance type MOS-C bandpass analog filter core circuits. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing
- Kör, B., Metin, B. (2021). Understanding human aspects for an effective information security management implementation. International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences
- Hakyemez, T.C., Mardikyan, S. (2021). The interplay between institutional integration and self-efficacy in the academic performance of first-year university students: A multigroup approach. The International Journal of Management Education
- Hakyemez, T.C., Badur, B. (2021). Crime Risk Stations: Examining Spatiotemporal Influence of Urban Features through Distance-Aware Risk Signal Functions. Journal of Geo-Information
- Gürsoy, F., Badur, B. (2021). An Agent-Based Modeling Approach to Brain Drain. Transactions on Computational Social Systems
- Yallihep, M., Kutlu, B. (2020). Mobile serious games: Effects on students' understanding of programming concepts and attitudes towards information technology. Education and Information Technologies
- Bozanta, A., Cevik, M., et al. (2020). The Effects of Easing and Tightening the Lock-Down Intervention on the Spread of COVID-19. Available at SSRN
- Kocak, E., Nasir, V. Aslihan, Turker, Hande B. (2020). What drives Instagram usage? User motives and personality traits. Online Information Review
- Kor, B., Wakkee, I., Mutluturk, M. (2020). An Investigation of Factors Influencing Entrepreneurial Intention amongst University Students. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice
- Farrukh, A., et al. (2020). Investigating the theoretical constructs of a green lean six sigma approach towards environmental sustainability: A systematic literature review and future directions. Sustainability
- Cho, J. and Taskin, N. (2020). IT and E-Channel Performance in Small Retailers: The Mediation Mechanism of Resource Complementarities. Journal of Internet Commerce
- Coskun, A., Tanrikulu, Z. (2020). The Applications of Intelligent System Technologies in Service Processes. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
- AYDIN MEHMET NAFİZ, PERDAHÇI NAZIM ZİYA (2019). School-wide friendship metadata correlations. Computers & Education
- Bozanta, A., Kutlu, B. (2019). HybRecSys: Content-based contextual hybrid venue recommender system. Journal of Information Science
- Eraslan Yalcin, M., Kutlu, B. (2019). Examination of Students' Acceptance of and Intention to Use Learning Management Systems Using Extended TAM. British Journal of Educational Technology
- Ozturan, M., Atasü, İ., Soydan, H. (2019). Assessment of blockchain technology readiness level of banking industry: Case of Turkey. International Journal of Business Marketing and Management
- Özturan, M., Gursoy, F., Çeken, B. (2019). An Empirical Analysis on the Effects of Investment Assessment Methods on IS/IT Project Success. International Journal of Information Technology Project Management
- Özturan, M., Sürücü, U. (2019). Citizen Satisfaction with E-Government Services: Case of Turkey. International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation
- Ozturan, M., Mutlutürk, M., et al. (2019). Evaluating the information systems integration maturity level of travel agencies. Information Technology & Tourism
- Haneem, F., et al. (2019). Determinants of master data management adoption by local government organizations: An empirical study. International Journal of Information Management
- Coskun, A., Tanrikulu, Z. (2019). Intelligent Interactive Voice Response Systems and Customer Satisfaction. International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering
- Metin, B., et al. (2019). MOS-only voltage-mode all-pass filter core suitable for IC design. AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications
- Akar, E., Mardikyan S., Dalgic, T. (2019). User Roles in Online Communities and Their Moderating Effect on Online Community Usage Intention: An Integrated Approach. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction
- Gökçe, K. G., Dogerlioglu, O. (2019). 'Bring your own device' policies: Perspectives of both employees and organizations. Knowledge Management & E-Learning
- Onay, C., Öztürk, E. (2018). A Review of Credit Scoring Research in the Age of Big Data. Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance
- Onay, C., Öztaş, Y.E. (2018). Why Banks Adopt Mobile Banking? The Case of Turkey. International Journal of Electronic Finance
- Bozanta, A., Coskun, M., Kutlu, B. (2018). Usage Factors of Location-Based Social Applications: The Case of Foursquare. International Journal of Web Based Communities
- Bozanta, A., Kutlu, B. (2018). Do Twitter phenomena check-in popular venues on Foursquare too? Information Discovery and Delivery
- Bozanta, A., Kutlu, B. (2018). Developing A Contextually Personalized Hybrid Recommender System. Mobile Information Systems
- Coskun, M., Ozturan, M. (2018). #europehappinessmap: A Framework for Multi-Lingual Sentiment Analysis via Social Media Big Data (A Twitter Case Study). Information
- Mutlutürk, M., Mardikyan, S. (2018). Analysing Factors Affecting the Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation of University Students. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education
- Huang, Y.-M., et al. (2018). A PKM–Based Decision-Making Training Program for Personal Healthcare: An Action Learning Approach. International Journal of Knowledge Management
- Weerasinghe, K., et al. (2018). Development of a Theoretical Framework to Investigate Alignment of Big Data in Healthcare through a Social Representation Lens. Australasian Journal of Information Systems
- Metin, B., Cicekoglu, O., Ozoguz, S. (2018). A class of MOSFET-C multifunction filters. Analog Integrated Circuits Signal Processing
- Akar, E., Mardikyan S. (2018). User Roles and Contribution Patterns in Online Communities: A Managerial Perspective. SAGE Open
- PERDAHÇI NAZIM ZİYA, AYDIN MEHMET NAFİZ, KARINIAUSKAITE DZORDANA (2017). Dynamic Loyal Customer Behavior for Community Formation: A Network Science Perspective. Journal of Internet and e-Business Studies
- PERDAHÇI NAZIM ZİYA, AYDIN MEHMET NAFİZ (2017). Dynamic network analysis of online interactive platform. Information Systems Frontiers
- Ak, O., Kutlu, B. (2017). Comparing 2D and 3D game-based learning environments in terms of learning gains and student perceptions. British Journal of Educational Technology
- Kimiloglu, H., Ozturan, M., Kutlu, B. (2017). Perceptions About and Attitude Toward The Usage of E-learning in Corporate Training. Computers in Human Behaviour
- Bozanta, A., Kutlu, B. (2017). Current State and Future Trends in Location Recommender Systems. International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science
- Bozanta, A., Coskun, M., Kutlu, B., Ozturan, M. (2017). Relationship Between Stock Market Indices and Google Trends. The Online Journal of Science and Technology
- Bozanta, A., Mardikyan, S. (2017). The Effects of Social Media Use on Collaborative Learning: A Case of Turkey. TOJDE
- Ozturan, M., Alacam, S., et al. (2017). A Citizen-Centric Integrated Information System Roadmap for Municipalities. Journal of Public Administration and Governance
- Kor, B., Mutluturk, M. (2017). Business & Management Studies: An International Journal. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal
- Ahmed, S., et al. (2017). Motivating Information Technology Professionals: The case of New Zealand. Australasian Journal of Information Systems
- Intezari, A., Taskin, N., and Pauleen, D. (2017). Looking Beyond Knowledge Sharing: An Integrative Approach to Knowledge Management Culture. Journal of Knowledge Management
- Palanisamy, R., Taskin, N., and Verville, J. (2017). Impact of Trust and Technology on Interprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare Settings: An Empirical Analysis. International Journal of e-Collaboration
- Coskun, A., Tanrikulu, Z. (2017). Technological Sustainability of Mobile Learning. The Online Journal of Science and Technology
- Yilmaz, İ.G., Aygün, D., Tanrikulu, Z. (2017). Social Media's Perspective on Industry 4.0: A Twitter Analysis. Social Networking
- Nasır, V.A. (2017). Identification of Web User Segments based on Beliefs about Online Ads. Journal of Internet Commerce
- Atasoyu, M., Metin, B., Kuntman, H., Cicekoglu, O. (2017). Simple Realization of a Third Order Butterworth Filter with MOS-only Technique. International Journal of Electronics and Communications
- Basarir-Ozel, B., Mardikyan, S. (2017). Factors affecting E-commerce adoption: A case of Turkey. The International Journal of Management Science and Information Technology
- Coskun, A., Mardikyan, S. (2017). Understanding the Adoption of Voice-Activated Personal Assistants. International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications
- Civan,S., Dogerlioglu, O., Koksal,T. (2017). Can Information and Communication Technologies Change Individual's Values? International Journal of Information, Business and Management
- AYDIN MEHMET NAFİZ, PERDAHÇI NAZIM ZİYA (2016). Network Analysis of an Interactive Health Network. Journal of Internet Social Networking and Virtual Communities
- Osken, C., Onay, C., Unal, G. (2016). Estimating Defaults in Organized Security Lending Markets. Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance
- Bozanta, A., Kutlu, B., Nowlan, N., Shirmohammadi, S. (2016). Effects of Serious Games on Perceived Team Cohesiveness in a Multi-User Virtual Environment. Computers in Human Behaviour
- Ozturan, M., Senol, D., et al. (2016). A Roadmap for Integrated Information Systems in Capital Markets: Case of Turkey. The International Journal of Financial Markets
- Okten, N., Ozturan, M. (2016). Determinants of Mobile Phone Usage Behaviors of Young Users: Case of Turkey. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development
- Ulas, O., Ozturan, M. (2016). The Opportunities and Limitations of Using On-Line Analytical Processing Cubes for Business Intelligence Reporting in Banking. International Journal of Engineering, Business and Enterprise Applications
- Coskun, M., Ozturan, M. (2016). A Framework for Data Collection, Analysis and Evaluation of the Relationship between Students' Computer Interaction and Course Grades in Laboratory Courses. FormaMente: International Research Journal on Digital Future
- Bayramusta, M., Nasir, V.A. (2016). A Fad or Future of IT?: A comprehensive literature review on the cloud computing research. International Journal of Information Management
- Arkali, G., Nasir, V.A. (2016). Yükseköğretimde Uluslararasılaşma: En Çok Öğrenci Alan Ülkeler ve Türkiye Perspektifinden 1999-2013 Yıllarına Bakış. Journal of Higher Education and Science
- A. Uygur, Metin, B., Kuntman, H., Cicekoglu, O. (2016). Current mode MOSFET-only third order Butterworth low pass filter with DTMOS tuning technique. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing
- Jerabek, J., et al. (2016). Multifunctional current-mode filter with dual-parameter control of the pole frequency. Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Arslan, E., Pal, K., Herencsar, N., Metin, B. (2016). Design of Novel CMOS DCCII with Reduced Parasitics and its All-Pass Filter Applications. Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika
- Akar, E., Mardikyan, S. (2016). Analyzing Factors Affecting the Adoption of Cloud Computing: A Case of Turkey. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems
- Coşkun, M., Mardikyan, S. (2016). Predictor Factors For Actual Usage Of Online Evaluation And Assessment Systems: A Structural Equation Model (SEM) Study. Education and Science
- Durahim, A.O., Coskun, M. (2015). #iamhappybecause: Gross National Happiness through Twitter analysis and big data. Technological Forecasting and Social Change
- Ozturan, M., Bozanta, A., Basarir-Ozel, B., Akar, E., Coskun, M. (2015). A Roadmap for an Integrated University Information System Based on Connectivity Issues: Case of Turkey. The International Journal of Management Science and Information Technology
- Sencer, A., Ozturan, M., Kimiloglu, H (2015). A Web 2.0 Supported Business Process Management Environment for Collaborative Research. International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business
- Ozturan, M., Basarir-Ozel, B., Akar, E. (2015). A Review on Methods for the Assessment of Information System Projects. Journal of Information Technology and Applications
- Thorn, K., et al. (2015). Workplace stress in a foreign environment: Chinese migrants in New Zealand. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal
- Brunton, M., Eweje, G., and Taskin, N. (2015). Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility to Internal Stakeholders: Walking the Walk or Just Talking the Talk? Business Strategy and the Environment
- Keskin, T., and Taskin, N. (2015). Strategic Pricing of Horizontally Differentiated Services with Switching Costs: A Pricing Model for Cloud Computing. International Journal of Electronic Commerce
- Palanisamy, R., Verville, J., and Taskin, N. (2015). The Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for Enterprise Software Contract Negotiations: An Empirical Analysis. Journal of Enterprise Information Management
- Ari, E., Nasir, A. (2015). A Review of Literature on Consumers' Online Purchase Intentions. Journal of Customer Behavior
- Arslan E., B. Metin B., Ciceokoglu O. (2015). MOSFET-Only Multi-Function Biquad Filter. AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications
- Atasoyu, M., Metin, B., Kuntman, H., Herencsar, N. (2015). New Current-Mode Class 1 Frequency-Agile Filter for Multi Protocol GPS Application. Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika
- Sotner R., et al. (2015). Novel first order all-pass filter applications of-z-copy voltage differencing current conveyor. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics
- Mardikyan, S., Yıldız, E.A., Ordu M.D., Şimşek, B. (2015). Examining the Global Digital Divide: A Cross-Country Analysis. Communications of the IBIMA
- Toso, S., Atli, S.M, Mardikyan, S. (2015). Türkiye'nin Bölgeleri Arasında Sayısal Uçurum. Bilgi Ekonomisi ve Yönetimi Dergisi
- Muradoglu, G., Onay, C., Phylaktis, K. (2014). European Integration and Corporate Financing. International Review of Financial Analysis
- Kutlu, B., Bozanta, A., Ates, E., Erdogan, S., Gokay, O., Kan, N. (2014). Project Management Software Selection Using Analytic Hierarchy Process Method. International Journal of Applied Science and Technology
- Bozanta, A., Nasir, V.A. (2014). Usage of Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation in Marketing. Journal of Advanced Management Science
- Nasır, V.A., Karakaya, F. (2014). Underlying Motivations of Organic Food Purchase Intentions. Agribusiness: An International Journal
- Karakaya, F, Quigley, C., Bingham, F., Hari, J., Nasir, V. A. (2014). Business Students' Perception of Sales Careers: Differences Between Students in Switzerland, Turkey, and the United States. Journal of Education for Business
- Nasir, V. A., Karakaya, F. (2014). Consumer Segments in Organic Foods Market. Journal of Consumer Marketing
- Metin, B., et al. (2014). DCCII-Based Novel Lossless Grounded Inductance Simulators with No Element Matching Constrains. Radioengineering
- Koton, J., et al. (2014). Voltage-mode multifunction filter with mutually independent Q and x0 control feature using VDDDAs. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing
- Safari, L., Minaei, S., Metin, B. (2014). A low power current controllable single-input three-output current-mode filter using MOS transistors only. AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications
- Yildirim, T., Metin, B. (2014). Critical Information processes. ISACA Journal
- Akar, E., Mardikyan, S. (2014). Analyzing Factors Affecting Users' Behavior Intention to Use Social Media: Twitter Case. International Journal of Business and Social Science
- Basol, E., Dogerlioglu, O. (2014). Structural Determinants of Organizational Effectiveness. Journal of Organizational Management Studies
- Onay, C., Ozsoz, E. (2013). The Impact of Internet Banking on Brick and Mortar Branches-The Case of Turkey. The Journal of Financial Services Research
- Kimiloglu, H., Ozturan, M., Kutlu, B. (2013). E-learning for Corporate Trainings in Turkey: An Exploratory Study. Business Management Dynamics
- Caliskan, S., Kutlu B., Kimiloglu, H. (2013). The Contribution of Online Travel Agencies to the Profitability of Hotels: Case of Turkey. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research in Business
- Kutlu, B. (2013). Effects of Mobile Number Portability: Case of Turkey. International Journal of Business and Social Science
- Daim, T., Başoğlu, N., Topaçan, U. (2013). Adoption of Health Information Technologies: The Case of A Wireless Monitor for Diabetes and Obesity Patients. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management
- Başoğlu, N., Daim, T., Günay, D., Yıldız, C., Gomez, F. (2013). Exploring Technology Acceptance for Online Food Services. International Journal of Business Information Systems
- González-Trejo, E.S., et al. (2013). An Exploratory Literature Review into a Series of Related Factors Affecting the Use of the Internet for Investor Relations. Global Advanced Research Journal of Management and Business Studies
- Taskin, N., Verville, J., and Al-Omari, A. (2013). A Comprehensive Framework for Knowledge Management Life Cycle: A Conceptual Model. African Journal of Business Management
- Aydogdu, Y., Tanrikulu, Z. (2013). Corporate E-Learning Success Model Development by Using Data Mining Methodologies. Education and Science
- Sencer, A., Basarir, B (2013). A Simulation Based Decision Support System for Workforce Management in Call Centers. Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International
- Metin, B., Herencsar, N., Cicekoglu, O. (2013). A Novel MOSFET-RC All-pass Filter for Low Voltage Operation. Radioengineering
- Arslan, E., Metin, B., Kuntman, H., Cicekoglu, O. (2013). MOS-only second order current-mode LP/BP filter. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing
- Arslan, E., Metin, B., Cicekoglu, O., Morgul, A. (2013). High Performance CMOS CCI in a 0.35µm CMOS technology and a New All-Pass Filter Application. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences
- Yildirim, T., Metin, B. (2013). Convenient Quality Control for IT Governance-aware Enterprises. ISACA Journal
- Onay, C., Unal G. (2012). Cointegration and Extreme Value Analysis of Bovespa and Istanbul Stock Exchanges. Finance a Uver (Czech Journal of Economics and Finance)
- Erguler, I., Aktas, S., Anarim, E., Saldamli, G. (2012). Breaking the Spacing Based Authentication Protocol. Information Journal
- Erguler, I., Unsal, C., Anarim, E., Saldamli, G. (2012). Security analysis of an ultra-lightweight RFID authentication protocal-SLMAP*. Security and Communication Networks
- Darcan, O.N., Badur, B. (2012). Student Profiling on Academic Performance Using Cluster Analysis. Journal of e-Learning & Higher Education
- Caliskan, S., Kutlu, B., Kimiloglu, H. (2012). Effects of Dynamic Packaging Systems on Travel Agencies: Case of Turkey. International Journal of Business and Social Science
- Kutlu, B., Ozturan, M. (2012). Determinants of E-Health Readiness of End-Users. International Medical Journal
- Cingil I., Ozturan, M., Erdem, A.S. (2012). A Decision Support System for Evaluation of Business Process Management Systems. Information
- Kimiloglu, H., Ozturan, M, Erdem, A.S. (2012). Collaborative Research: Opinions and IT Utilization Potential. Management Research Review
- Tanrıkulu, Z., Ozturan, M. (2012). Farmers' Beliefs about Using Mobile Devices for Livestock Management: Case of Turkey. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances
- Basoglu, A.N., Daim, T.U., Topacan, U. (2012). Determining Patient Preferences for Remote Monitoring. Journal of Medical Systems
- Başoğlu, N., Daim, T., Doğan, A., Taşkın, F., Gomez, F. (2012). Exploring the Impact of Communication on Innovation. International Journal of Business Information Systems
- Başoğlu, N., Daim, T., Aydınoğlu, B., Öztürk, M. (2012). New Product development for the healthcare industry: a case study of diet software. Health Policy and Technology
- Stuart, I., Verville, J., and Taskin, N. (2012). Trust in Buyer-Supplier Relationships: Supplier Competency, Interpersonal Relationships and Performance Outcomes. Journal of Enterprise Information Management
- Dogan, N., Tanrikulu, Z. (2012). A Comparative Analysis Of Classification Algorithms in Data Mining For Accuracy, Speed And Robustness. Information Technology and Management
- Metin, B., Herencsar, N., Vrba, K. (2012). A CMOS DCCII with a Grounded Capacitor Based Cascadable All-pass Filter Application. Radioengineering
- Metin, B. (2012). Canonical Inductor Simulators with Grounded Capacitors Using DCCII. International Journal of Electronics
- Metin, B., Pal, K., Cicekoglu, O. (2012). A New Approach for High-Input Impedance in Voltage Mode Filters Using First-Generation Current Conveyor in Place of Second-Generation Current Conveyor. International Journal of Electronics
- Herencsar, N., et al. (2012). Realization of Resistorless Lossless Positive and Negative Grounded Inductor Simulators Using Single ZC-CCCITA. Radioengineering
- Arslan, E., et al. (2012). High Performance Wideband CMOS CCI and its Application in Inductance Simulator Design. Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Mardikyan, S., Besiroglu B., Uzmaya, G. (2012). Behavioral Intention towards the Use of 3G Technology. Communications of the IBIMA
- Erdem, A.S., Gocen, E. (2012). Development of a Decision Support System for Supplier Evaluation and Order Allocation. Expert Systems with Applications
- Dogerlioglu, O. (2012). Outsourcing versus in-house: A modular organization perspective. Journal of International Management Studies
- Cosgun, V., Dogerlioglu, O. (2012). Critical Success Factors Affecting e-commerce Activities of Small and Medium Enterprises. Information Technology Journal
- Durahim, A.O., Savas, E. (2011). A2-MAKE: An efficient anonymous and accountable mutual authentication and key agreement protocol for WMNs. Ad Hoc Networks
- Vasilitov, I., Saldamli, G. (2011). Fault Detection and DFA Countermeasure for Montgomery Power Ladder in ECC. Special Issue of Mathematical and Computer Modelling
- Erguler, I., Anarim, E., Saldamli, G. (2011). A salient missing link in rfid security protocols. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
- Daylan, A., Badur, B., Darcan, O.N. (2011). An Experimental Study for Extending Data Mining Standards. International Review on Computers and Software
- Kimiloglu, H., Ozturan, M., Kutlu, B. (2011). Market Analysis for Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs): The Case of Turkey. International Journal of Business and Management
- Ozturan, M., Karahoca, A., Karahoca, D. (2011). Determinants of Utilization of E-Travel Agencies: Case of University Students in Turkey. Information
- Arslan, B., Ozturan, M. (2011). The Path to Information Technology Business Value: Case of Turkey. Technology and Investment
- Nasir, V.A., Ozturan, M., Kiran, S. (2011). Beliefs About and Attitudes Towards Online Advertising. The Business Review, Cambridge
- Ozturan, M., Nasir, V.A., Kiran, S. (2011). Consumers' Beliefs About Companies Using Online Advertising. The Business Review, Cambridge
- Daim, T., Ding, Y., Blanton, S., Basoglu, N. (2011). Exploring Information Technology Adoption in the Class Room: Case of Online learning Technology. IJBIS
- Polat, E., Basoglu, N., Daim, T. (2011). Effects of Adaptivity and Other External Variables on Mobile Service Adoption. International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector
- Verville, J., Kock, N., and Taskin, N. (2011). Critical Enterprise Software Contracting Issues: Rights, Assurances and Responsibilities. Revista Eletrônica de Sistemas de Informação
- Verville, J., Taskin, N., Law, S. (2011). Buyer-Supplier Relationships in Supply Chain Management: Relationship, Trust, Supplier Involvement, and Performance. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management
- Kok, A., Tanrikulu, Z. (2011). A Grid-Development for the Learning and Teaching Practice in Second Life. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education
- Aykol, M.M., Tanrikulu, Z. (2011). Effects of Software Manager Profile on Maturity Level of Software Development Process. International Review of Computers and Software
- Tanrikulu, Z., Ozcer, T. (2011). Standardization of Information Systems Development Process and Banking Industry Adaptations. International Journal of Software Engineering and Applications
- Tasoluk, B., Tanrikulu, Z. (2011). A Weakest Chain Approach To Assessing the Overall Effectiveness of the 802.11 Wireless Network Security. International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Networks
- Metin, B., Pal, K., Cicekoglu, O. (2011). All-pass Filters Using DDCC and MOSFET Based Electronic Resistor. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications
- Metin, B., Herencsar, N., Pal, K. (2011). Supplementary First-Order All-Pass Filters with Two Grounded Passive Elements Using FDCCII. Radioengineering
- Metin, B. (2011). Supplementary Inductance Simulator Topologies Employing Single DXCCII. Radioengineering
- Metin, B., Pal, K., Cicekoglu, O. (2011). CMOS Controlled Inverting CDBA with a New All-pass Filter Application. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications
- Mardikyan, S., Badur, B. (2011). Analyzing Teaching Performance of Instructors Using Data Mining Techniques. Informaticsin Education
- Mardikyan, S., Karakaya, C. (2011). Analyzing the Factors Affecting the Users' Success in Web Based Education: A Data Mining Approach. Computer Technology and Application
- Yilmaz, G., Badur, B., Mardikyan, S. (2011). Development of a Constraint Based Sequential Pattern Mining Tool. International Review on Computers and Software
- Karakaya, C., Badur, B., Aytekin, C. (2011). Analyzing the Effectiveness of Marketing Strategies in the Presence of Word of Mouth: Agent-Based Modeling Approach. Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies
- Gulser, G., Badur, B. (2011). Developing a Framework for Integrating Knowledge Management and Decision Support Systems: Application to Time Series Forecasting. Communications of the IBIMA
- Balim, B., Dogerlioglu, O. (2011). Usage of Web 2.0 Tools for Ubiquitous Enterprises. The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge
- Birekul, I., Dogerlioglu, O. (2011). Impacts of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Transformation on Organizational Structures. Journal of Applied Sciences
- Tanoglu, I., Basoglu, A.N., Daim, T.U. (2010). Exploring Technology Diffusion: Case of Information Technologies. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making
- Topacan, U., Basoglu, A.N., Daim, T.U. (2010). Exploring the Adoption of Technology Driven Services in the Health Care Industry. International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector
- Seneler, C.O., Basoglu, A.N., Daim, T.U. (2010). Analyzing Human Computer Interaction In Developing Web Based Services. Journal of Enterprise Information Management
- Daim, T.U., Basoglu, A.N., Tanoglu, I. (2010). A Critical Assessment of Information Technology Adoption: Technical, Organizational and Personal Perspectives. International Journal of Business Information Systems
- Basoglu, A.N., Daim, T.U., Atesok, H.C., Pamuk, M. (2010). Exploring the impact of information technology on health information-seeking behaviour. International Journal of Business Information Systems
- Phan, K., Daim, T.U., Basoglu, A.N., Kargin, B. (2010). Exploring technology acceptance across countries: case of mobile services adoption in the USA and Turkey. International Journal of Services Sciences
- Cayir, S., Basoglu, A.N., Daim, T.U. (2010). International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences. International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences
- Daim, T., Busaid, W., Basoglu, N. (2010). Rural Electrification: Comparison of Two Case Studies. International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics
- Daim, T., Zielsdorf, C., McGinnis, C., Basoglu, N. (2010). Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Selection for a Medical Devices Manufacturing Company
- Ozen, C., Basoglu, N., Daim, T. (2010). An empirical analysis of the antecedents of adoption of online services: A prototype-based framework. Journal of Enterprise Information Management
- Kimiloglu, H., Nasir, V.A., Nasir, S. (2010). Discovering Behavioral Segments in the Mobile Phone Market. Journal of Consumer Marketing
- Ertuna, B., Tukel, A. (2010). Traditional versus International Influences: CSR Disclosures in Turkey. European Journal of International Management
- Palanisamy, R., et al. (2010). An Empirical Study on the Influences on the Acquisition of Enterprise Software Decisions: A Practitioner's Perspective. Journal of Enterprise Information Management
- Kacar, F., Metin, B., Kuntman, H., Cicekoglu, O. (2010). A New High Performance CMOS Fully Differential Second-Generation Current Conveyor with Application Example of Biquad Filter Realization. International Journal of Electronics
- Metin, B., Minaei, S. (2010). Parasitic Compensation in CCI-based Circuits for Reduced Power Consumption. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing
- Metin, B., Pal, K. (2010). New All-Pass Filter Circuit Compensating for C-CDBA Non-Idealities. Journal of Circuits Systems and Computers
- Kacar, F., Metin, B., Kuntman, H. (2010). A New CMOS Dual-X Second Generation Current Conveyor (DXCCII) with a FDNR Circuit Application. AEUE International Journal of Electronics and Communication
- Mardikyan, S. (2010). Analyzing the Usage of IT in SMEs. Communications of the IBIMA
- Aksoy, I., Badur, B., Mardikyan, S. (2010). Finding hidden patterns of hospital infections on newborn: A data mining approach. Istanbul University Journal of the School of the Business Administration
- Barut, O., Dogerlioglu, O. (2010). Human Resources Information Systems: A Sociotechnical Perspective. Information Technology Journal
- Durahim, A.O, Savas, E., Sunar, B., Pedersen, T.B, Kocabas, O. (2009). Transparent Code Authentication at the Processor Level. IET Computers and Digital Techniques
- Kutlu, B., Akpinar, E. (2009). ERP Software Selection Using Fuzzy Methodology: A Case Study. Journal of Applied Sciences
- Seneler, C.O., Basoglu, A.N., Daim, T.U. (2009). Interface Feature Prioritization for Web Services: Case of Online Flight Reservations. Computers in Human Behavior
- Kargin, B., Basoglu, A.N., Daim, T.U. (2009). Factors Affecting the Adoption of Mobile Services. International Journal of Services Sciences
- Kargin, B., Basoglu, A.N., Daim, T.U. (2009). Adoption Factors of Mobile Services. International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector
- Seneler, C.O., Basoglu, A.N., Daim, T.U. (2009). Exploring the Contribution of Information Systems User Interface Design Characteristics to Adoption Process. International Journal of Business Information Systems
- Basoglu, A.N., Daim, T.U., Sofuoglu, E. (2009). A Decision Methodology for Customizing Software Products. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering
- Dan, I., Daim, T.U., Basoglu, A.N. (2009). Balancing Efficiency and Competitiveness in Outsourcing Decisions. International Journal of Services and Operations Management
- Daim, T.U., Basoglu, A.N., Saritas, O., Dursun, O., Gerdsri, P. (2009). A Comprehensive Review of Turkish Technology Foresight Project. Foresight
- Daim, T.U., Basoglu, N., Demirkan, H. (2009). A Strategic Assessment of Telemedicine: A New Service for Health Delivery. International Journal of Data Analysis and Information Systems
- Kimiloglu, H., Zarali, H. (2009). What Signifies Success in e-CRM? Marketing Intelligence and Planning
- Nasir, V.A., Altinbasak, I. (2009). The Standardization/Adaptation Debate: Creating a Framework for the New Millenium. Strategic Management Review
- Metin, B., Cicekoglu, O. (2009). Component Reduced All-pass Filter with a Grounded Capacitor and High Impedance Input. International Journal of Electronics
- Metin, B., Pal, K., Minaei, S., Cicekoglu, O. (2009). Trade-off in the OTA Based Analog Filter Design. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing
- Metin, B., Arslan, E., Minaei, S., Cicekoglu, O. (2009). Dual Output Filter Topology With a Single NIC for Frequency Sensitive Application. International Journal of Electronics
- Metin, B., Pal, K. (2009). Cascadable Allpass Filter with A Single DO-CCII and A Grounded Capacito. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing
- Can, N., Dogerlioglu, O., Sonmez, G., Yardimci, M. (2009). Comparison of IT Outsourcing Firms & IT Departments. The Business Review, Cambridge
- Ozturan, M., Kutlu, B., Ozturan, T. (2008). Comparison of Concrete Strength Prediction Techniques with Artificial Neural Network Approach. Building Research Journal
- Kutlu, B., Ozturan, M. (2008). The Usage and Adoption of IT Among SMEs in Turkey: An Exploratory and Longitudinal Study. Journal of Information Technology Management
- Senol, D., Ozturan, M. (2008). Stock Price Direction Prediction Using Artificial Neural Network Approach: The Case of Turkey. Journal of Artificial Intelligence
- Ozen, C., Basoglu, A.N., Daim, T.U. (2008). Impact of Man-Machine Interaction Factors on ERP Software Design. Business Administration Journal
- Kerimoglu, O., Basoglu, A.N., Daim, T.U. (2008). Organizational Adoption of Information Technologies: Case of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems. Journal of High Technology Management Research
- Ertuna, B., Tukel, A. (2008). Public Disclosures Levels of ISE Companies: Ownership and Corporate Governance Effects. ISE Journal
- Metin, B. (2008). On the Advantage of Floating Serial RL Simulators in Ladder Filter Implementations. Electronics World
- Mardikyan, S., Cetin, E. (2008). Efficient Choice of Biasing Constant for Ridge Regression. International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences
- Sipahi, O. & Dogerlioglu, O. (2008). Strategic Aims and Effectiveness of Traditional Companies Implementing E-Commerce: A Comparative Study. Information Technology Journal
- Onay, C., Akgiray, V. (2007). The European Union Portfolio: Diversification Opportunities in The New Members vs. The Candidate: Turkey. ISE Review
- Saldamli, G. (2007). Spectral Modular Arithmetic. Samsung Journal of Innovative Technology
- Oner, M.A., Basoglu, A.N., Kok, M.S. (2007). Megatrends as Perceived in Turkey in Comparison to Austria and Germany. Technological Forecasting & Social Change
- Basoglu, A.N., Daim, T.U., Kerimoglu, O. (2007). Organizational Adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems: A Conceptual Framework. Journal of High Technology Management Research
- Hersi, A., Daim, T.U., Basoglu, A.N. (2007). Information Technology Diffusion in Higher Education. Technology In Society
- Sofuoglu, E., Basoglu, A.N., Daim, T.U. (2007). New Software Product Feature Identification: An Analysis of E-mail User Characteristics and Functional Requirements. Journal of Applied Sciences
- Daim, T.U., Basoglu, A.N. (2007). Special Issue: Impact of Foresight Studies on National Innovation Capability. International Journal Foresight and Innovation Policy
- Metin, B., Pal, K., Cicekoglu, O. (2007). All-Pass Filter for Rich Cascadability Options, Easy IC Implementation and Tunability. International Journal of Electronics
- Metin, B., Yuce, E., Cicekoglu, O. (2007). A Novel Dual Output Universal Filter Topology Using a Single Current Conveyor. Electrical Engineering
- Metin, B., Minaei, S., Cicekoglu O. (2007). Enhanced Dynamic Range Analog Filter Topologies with a Notch/All-pass Circuit Example. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing
- Onay, C. (2006). A Co-integration Analysis Approach to European Union Integration: The Case of Acceding and Candidate Countries. European Integration Online Papers
- Mardikyan, S., Darcan, O. N. (2006). A Software Tool for Regression Analysis and Its Assumptions. Information Technology Journal
- Sagiroglu, O., Ozturan, M. (2006). Implementation Difficulties of Hospital Information Systems. Information Technology Journal
- Roney, S., Ozturan, M. (2006). A Content Analysis of The Web Sites of Turkish Travel Agencies. Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research
- Tanrikulu, Z. (2006). A Comparative Analysis of Website Features in The Healthcare Sector. International Review on Computers and Software
- Tanrikulu, Z. (2006). MISESS: Web-based Examination, Evaluation and Guidance. EDUCAUSE Quarterly
- Erdem, A.S., Fadiloglu, M.M., Ozekici, S. (2006). An EOQ Model with Multiple Vendors and Random Yield. Naval Research Logistics
- Metin, B., Cicekoglu, O. (2006). A Novel Floating Lossy Inductance Realization Topology with NICs Using Current Conveyors. IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems II
- Nasir, S., Nasir, V. A. (2005). Analyzing the Role of Customer Base Differences in Developing Customer Relationship Management Strategies. The Journal of American Academy of Business
- Nasir, V. A. (2005). A Review of Salient Dimensions of On-line Market Research: Is On-line Research Better? Journal of Internet Business
- Yuce, E., Minaei, S., Metin, B (2005). Comments on 'Electronically Tunable Current-mode Second-order Universal Filter Using Minimum Elements. Electronics Letters
- Wollinger, T., et al. (2004). Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curves on Embedded uP. Special Issue on Embedded Systems and Security of the ACM Transactions in Embedded Computing Systems
- Ozturan, M., Roney, S. (2004). Internet Use Among Travel Agencies in Turkey: An Exploratory Study. Tourism Management
- Kimiloglu, H. (2004). The E-Literature: A Framework for Understanding The Accumulated Knowledge About Internet Marketing. Academy of Marketing Science Review
- Nasir, V.A. (2004). E-consumer Complaints About On-line Stores. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior
- Yuce, E., Metin, B., Cicekoglu, O. (2004). Current-mode Biquadratic Filters Using Single CCIII and Minimum Numbers of Passive Elements. Frequenz
- PERDAHÇI NAZIM ZİYA, HACINLIYAN AVADİS SİMON (2003). Normal forms and nonlocal chaotic behavior in Sprott systems. International Journal of Engineering Science
- Metin, B., Toker, A., Terzioglu, H., Cicekoglu, O. (2003). New All-Pass Section for High Performance Signal Processing with a Single CCII-. Frequenz Journal of Telecommunication
- Metin, B., Cicekoglu, O. (2003). Tarmy-Ghausi (TG) Circuit Suitable for Higher Frequency of Operation. Frequenz Journal of Telecommunication
- Erdem, A.S., Ozekici, S. (2002). Inventory Models with Random Yield in a Random Environment. International Journal of Production Economics
- Egeli, B., Ozturan, M. (2001). A Framework for A National Tourism Information System of Turkey. Anatolia, An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research
- Egeli, B., Kut, A., Apaydin, F. (2001). Turkish Telemedicine System (TUMEDSIS). Journal of Applied Sciences
- Ozturan, M. (2001). BUADVIS – A Decision Support System for Student Advising. Journal of Applied Sciences
- Darcan, O.N., Kaylan, A.R. (2000). Load Balanced Implementation of Standard Clock Method. Simulation Pratice and Theory
- Grubbstrom, R.W., Erdem, A.S. (1999). The EOQ with Backlogging Derived without Derivatives. International Journal of Production Economics
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- Ertuna, B. & Tukel, A. (1997). Public Disclosure Levels of ISE Companies: Ownership and Corporate Governance Effects. ISE Review
- Ozturan, M. (1995). Effects of Differential Inflation on Housing Cooperatives in Turkey. International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications
- Bahar, I., Badur, B., Doruker, P. (1993). Solvent Effect on Transitional Diffusivity and Orientational Mobility of Polymers in Solution. Journal of Chemical Physics
International Book Chapters
- Dursun, S.M., Mutluturk, M., Taskin, N., Metin, B. (2022). "An Overview of the IT Risk Management Methodologies for Securing Information Assets", IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA.
- Mutluturk, M., Kor, B., Metin, B. (2021). "The role of Edge/Fog Computing Security in IoT and Industry 4.0 Infrastructures", IGI Global, USA.
- Gressel, S., Pauleen, D., and Taskin, N. (2021). Management Decision-Making, Big Data and Analytics. Sage Publishing.
- Pratt, M., Boudhane, M., Taskin, N., & Cakula, S. (2021). "Use of AI for Improving Employee Motivation and Satisfaction" in Educating Engineers for Future Industrial Revolutions. Springer Nature.
- Tanriverdi, N.S., Metin, B. (2021). "Enterprise Information Security Awareness and Behavior as An Element of Security Culture During Remote Work", IGI Global, USA.
- AYDIN MEHMET NAFİZ, PERDAHÇI NAZIM ZİYA, ŞAFAK İLKER, van HILLEGERSBERG, J. (Jos) (2020). "Metadata Action Network Model for Cloud Based Development Environment" in Trends and Innovations in Information Systems and Technologies, Springer, Cham.
- Cimen, B., Mutluturk, M., Kocak, E., Metin, B. (2020). "A Hybrid Asset-Based IT Risk Management Framework", IGI Global, USA.
- Palanisamy, R., Taskin, N., and Verville, J. (2020). "Factors Influencing Interprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare Environment" in Collaborative Convergence and Virtual Teamwork for Organizational Transformation, IGI Global.
- Akarun, L., et al. (2020). "A survey on digital maturity models for SMEs", Peter Lang GmbH, Berlin, Germany.
- Metin, B., Yılmaz, E., Sekerciler, E. (2020). "Privacy for Enterprises in the Data Age", Istanbul University Press, İstanbul.
- SÖNMEZ FERDİ, PERDAHÇI NAZIM ZİYA, AYDIN MEHMET NAFİZ (2019). "Big Data Analytics and Models" in Handbook of Research on Big Data Clustering and Machine Learning, IGI Global.
- Coskun, A., Bozanta, A. (2019). "Industry 4.0 and Key Technologies: A Review" in Industry 4.0 from the MIS Perspective, The Peter Lang Publishing Group, Istanbul.
- AYDIN MEHMET NAFİZ, KARINIAUSKAITE DZORDANA, PERDAHÇI NAZIM ZİYA (2018). "Validity Issues of Digital Trace Data for Platform as a Service: A Network Science Perspective" in Trends and Advances in Information Systems and Technologies, Springer, Cham.
- Atasu, I., Ozturan, M., Kutlu, B. (2018). "A Roadmap for Turkey's Industry 4.0 Transformation Based on Germany's Strategy", Peter Lang Publishing.
- Nasir, V. A., Turker, H. B. (2018). "Bölüm 15: Reklam ve Halkla İlişkiler" in Principles of Marketing.
- Baktir, A.C., Metin, B. (2018). "The Technical Challenges of Cloud Computing as A Leading Trend in Business", Peter Lang GmbH, Berlin.
- Demirkan, F.S., Mardikyan, S., Badur, B. (2018). "A Scientometrics Study on Internet of Things (IoT)" in Industry 4.0 from the MIS Perspective, Peter Lang Publishing.
- PERDAHÇI NAZIM ZİYA, BIÇAKÇI AHMET SALİH, AYDIN MEHMET NAFİZ (2017). "INVISIBLE NETWORK OF DIPLOMACY: WikiLeaks CASE" in Network Science: Transdisciplinary Approach to Real-World Complex Systems.
- Nasir, V.Aslihan, Nasir, S. (2017). "Determining the Role of Communication Channels to Promote Organic Foods" in Driving Agribusiness with Technology Innovations, IGI-Global, USA.
- AYDIN MEHMET NAFİZ, PERDAHÇI NAZIM ZİYA, ÖDEVCİ BAHADIR (2016). "Cloud Based Development Environments: PaaS" in Encyclopedia of Cloud Computing, Wiley - IEEE.
- Savacı, Z., et al. (2016). "Corporate Requirements for Cloud Services: Adopters and Non-Adopters" in Smart Technology & Smart Management, Gulermat Matbaacılık, Izmir.
- Kutlu, B., Bozanta, A., Coskun, M., Disci, D. (2016). "Factors Affecting Foursquare Usage: Case of Turkey" in ISRC Selected Papers Series-Management Information Systems Congress 2014, Bogazici University Press House, Istanbul.
- Coskun, A., Tanrikulu, Z. (2016). "Smart Technologies and The Course Contents of the Departments of Management Information Systems at Universities in Turkey" in Smart Technology Smart Management, Gülermat Matbaacılık, İzmir.
- Özden, M., Mardikyan, S. (2016). "Factors Leading to the Success of Agile Project Management" in Smart Technology & Smart Management, Gülermat Matbaacılık, İzmir.
- Döğerlioğlu, Ö. (2016). "Birbirimizi Anlamak İçin İletişim", Efil Yayınevi, Ankara.
- AYDIN MEHMET NAFİZ, PERDAHÇI NAZIM ZİYA (2014). "Analysis of the Patients and Physicians Connection Network on an online Health Information Platform" in E-HEALTH - FOR CONTINUITY OF CARE, IOS Press.
- Cetindamar, D., Daim, T., Beyhan, B., Basoglu, N. (2013). "Strategic Planning Decisions in the High Tech Industry", Springer.
- Law, S., Verville, J., & Taskin, N. (2013). "Relational Attributes in Supply Chain Relationships" in Management Innovations for Intelligent Supply Chains, IGI Global.
- Döğerlioğlu, Ö. (2013). "Yönetici Olmak için Bilmeniz Gereken 14 Şey", Efil Yayınevi, Ankara.
- "Secure Multiparty Computation via Oblivious Polynomial Evaluation", Book Chapter in Theory and Practice of Cryptography Solutions for Secure Information Systems, IGI Global.
- Kargin, K., Basoglu, A.N., Daim T.U. (2011). "Customer Perspectives of Mobile Services" in Information Systems and New Applications in the Service Sector: Models and Methods, Business Science Reference.
- Topaçan, U., Başoğlu, N., Daim, T. (2011). "Evaluating Health Information Services", IGI Global.
- Deokar, A. V., and Taskin, N. (2011). "On Flexibility in Business Process Management Systems" in Business Process Management: Concepts, Technologies and Applications, IGI Global.
- Daim, T., Gerdsri, N., Başoğlu, N. (2010). "Technology Assessment: Forecasting the Future Adoption of Emerging Technologies", Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin.
- Nasır, S., Nasır, V.A., Dalgıç, T. (2010). "Bölüm 21: Enerji Sektöründe Pazarlama ve Yönetimi: Alternatif Enerji Kaynaklarının Pazarlanması".
- Daim, T., Başoğlu, N., Tan, J. (2009). "Health Management Information System Innovation: Managing Innovation Diffusing in Healthcare Services Organizations".
- Nasır, A., Nasır, S. (2009). "Brand Personality of Web Search Engines: Who Is The Conqueror of The Digital Age?" in Contemporary Research in e-Branding, IGI-Global, USA.
- Nasır, S., Nasır, A. (2008). "Hizmet Kalitesi", Ankara: Aile Arastirma Kurumu Baskanligi Yayınlari.
- Özturan, M. (2007). "Turizm Sektöründe Bilişim ve İletişim Teknolojileri" in Sürdürülebilir Rekabet Avantajı Elde Etmede Turizm Sektörü, URAK Yayınları, İstanbul.
- Daim, T., Basoglu, A.N. (2007). "Special Issue: Impact of Foresight Studies on National Innovation Capability", International Journal Foresight and Innovation Policy.
- Tanrikulu, Z. (2007). "MISESS: Web-Based Examination, Evaluation, and Guidance" in Computers in Education, McGraw Hill.
- Nasir, A., Nasir, S. (2007). "Turizm Pazarlaması ve Yönetimi" in Sürdürülebilir Rekabet Avantaji Elde Etmede Turizm Sektörü, URAK Yayinlari.
- Mardikyan, S. (2007). "İlişki Analizinde Varsayımlardan Sapmaların Belirlenmesi ve Çözümlenmesine Yönelik Bilgisayar Programı Geliştirilmesi", İktisadi Araştırmalar Vakfı yayını.
- Darcan, O.N. (2006). "Dağıtımlı Benzetim" in Türkiye Bilisim Ansiklopedisi, Papatya Yayincilik Egitim A.S.
- Nasır, A., Kımıloglu, H. (2006). "Organik tarim ürünlerinin ekonomik boyutu ve pazarlanmasi organik tarim sektörünün sürdürülebilir rekabet avantaji: Uygulamalar ve stratejiler", URAK Yayinlari.
- Erdem, A.S. (2006). "Benzetim Dilleri" in Türkiye Bilisim Ansiklopedisi, Papatya Yayincilik Egitim A.S.
- Nasir, A., Bulu, M., Eraslan, I.H. (2006). "The Analysis of Tourism Cluster Development of Istanbul: A Longitudinal Study in Sultanahmet District" in Small Business Clustering Technologies, Idea Group Publisher.
- Mardikyan, S., Egeli, B. (2005). "Veritabanı", Ders kitabı for Topluma Girişimci Bireyler Kazandırılması Projesi Programı, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Vakfı.
- HACINLIYAN AVADİS SİMON, PERDAHÇI NAZIM ZİYA, ŞAHİN GÖKHAN, YILDIRIM HACI AHMET (2004). "Transforming to Chaos by Normal Forms" in Continuum Models and Discrete Systems, Springer.
- "Prediction of Protein Subcellular Localization Based on Primary Sequence Data", Lecture Notes on Computer Science 2869, pp 611-619.
- Egeli, B., Korzay, M., Özturan, M. (2000). "Technology Impact on Cultural Tourism Conference", Istanbul: Bogazici University.
- Döğerlioğlu, Ö. (1996). "Transformation of Corporate Culture to Quality Culture" in 12 Fresh Views on TQM 1995-1996, European Foundation for Quality Management, Brussels.
- Darcan, O. N. (1995). "Windows için Word 6.0. (K. Pitter, Trans.)", Istanbul: Literatür And MG-Hill.
- Özturan, M (1995). "Elementary Quantitative Analysis", Istanbul: Bogazici University.
- Darcan, O. N. (1994). "İlk Bakışta Windows 3.1. (R. Schmitz, Trans.)", Istanbul: Literatür and MG-Hill.
International Conference Papers