Prof. Dr.
Zuhal Tanrıkulu
Lisans: İ.T.Ü,Elektronik ve Haberleşme Müh.
Yüksek Lisans: İ.T.Ü,Kontrol ve Bilgisayar Müh.
Doktora: İstanbul Üni.,İşletme Fakültesi Yönetim ve Organizasyon Bölümü
MIS 346 - Kurumsal Bilgi Sistemleri
MIS 492 - Proje
MIS 579 - Yüksek Lisans Semineri
MIS 580 - Küresel BS Başarı ve Başarısızlığına İş Perspektifleri
MIS 651 - Kurumsal Bilgi Yönetimi Için Esnek İşlemsel Zeka
MIS 700 - Doktora Semineri
Bilişim Sistemleri Geliştirme
Bilişim Sistemlerinin Yönetimi
Sistem Başarı ve Başarısızlıkları
Sağlık Bilişim Sistemleri
Web-Tabanlı Bilişim Sistemleri
- Tasoluk, Berker, and Zuhal Tanrikulu. "A Novel Hybrid Algorithm Based on Word and Method Ranking for Password Security." International journal of computer science and network security: IJCSNS 23, no. 3 (2023): 161-168.
- Taşoluk, B., Tanrıkulu, Z. (2023), “The Performance Comparison of a Brute-Force Password Cracking Algorithm using Regular Functions and Generator Functions in Python”, International Journal of Security, Privacy and Trust Management (IJSPTM), Vol. 12, No. 2, ISSN 2277-5498.
- Coskun, A., Tanrıkulu, Z. (2021), "Digital Innovations-Driven Business Model Regeneration: A Process Model", Technology in Society, Vol: 64, No: 2021, 101461. (SSCI) .
- Coskun, A., Tanrıkulu, Z. (2021), "m-Universities: Critical Sustainability Factors", Sage Open, Vol: 11, No: 1. (SSCI) .
- Coskun, A., Tanrikulu, Z. (2020), "The Applications of Intelligent System Technologies in Service Processes", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Vol: 9, No: 4, pp. 2276-2283.
- Coskun, A., Tanrikulu, Z. (2019), "Intelligent Interactive Voice Response Systems and Customer Satisfaction", International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, Vol: 8, No: 1, pp. 4-11 (Scopus).
- Coskun, A., Tanrikulu, Z. (2017), "Technological Sustainability of Mobile Learning", The Online Journal of Science and Technology, Vol: 7, No: 3, pp. 89-97.
- Yilmaz, İ.G., Aygün, D., Tanrikulu, Z. (2017), "Social Media’s Perspective on Industry 4.0: A Twitter Analysis.", Social Networking, Vol: 6, pp. 251-261.
- Aydogdu, Y., Tanrikulu, Z. (2013), "Corporate E-Learning Success Model Development by Using Data Mining Methodologies", Education and Science, Vol: 38, No: 170, pp. 97-113 (SSCI) .
- Dogan, N., Tanrikulu, Z. (2012), "A Comparative Analysis Of Classification Algorithms in Data Mining For Accuracy, Speed And Robustness", Information Technology and Management, DOI: 10.1007/s10799-012-0135-8 (SSCI-SCIE) .
- Tanrıkulu, Z., Ozturan, M. (2012), "Farmers’ Beliefs about Using Mobile Devices for Livestock Management: Case of Turkey", Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, Vol: 11, No: 10, pp. 1546-1551 (SCIE) .
- Kok, A., Tanrikulu, Z. (2011), "A Grid-Development for the Learning and Teaching Practice in Second Life", Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, Vol: 12, No: 3-2, pp. 50-66.
- Aykol, M.M., Tanrikulu, Z. (2011), "Effects of Software Manager Profile on Maturity Level of Software Development Process", International Review of Computers and Software, Vol: 6, No: 5, pp. 505-511.
- Tanrikulu, Z., Ozcer, T. (2011), "Standardization of Information Systems Development Process and Banking Industry Adaptations", International Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, Vol: 2, No: 2, pp. 1-12.
- Tasoluk, B., Tanrikulu, Z. (2011), "A Weakest Chain Approach To Assessing the Overall Effectiveness of the 802.11 Wireless Network Security", International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Networks, Vol: 3, No: 1, pp. 1-8.
- Tanrikulu, Z. (2006), "A Comparative Analysis of Website Features in The Healthcare Sector", International Review on Computers and Software, Vol: 1, No: 1, pp. 59-67.
- Tanrikulu, Z. (2006), "MISESS: Web-based Examination, Evaluation and Guidance", EDUCAUSE Quarterly, Vol: 29, No: 1, pp. 43-54.
- Coskun, A., Tanrikulu, Z. (2016), "Smart Technologies and The Course Contents of the Departments of Management Information Systems at Universities in Turkey in the book Smart Technology Smart Management", ss. 341-352, Gülermat Matbaacılık, İzmir.
- Tanrikulu, Z. (2007), "MISESS: Web-Based Examination, Evaluation, and Guidance. In J. J. Hirschbuhl & J. Kelley (eds.)", Computers in Education. 12th Ed., USA: McGraw Hill.
- Tanrıkulu, Z. (2004), "Bilişim Sistemi Geliştirme Projelerinin Yönetimi, Karşılaşılan Sorunlar ve Çözüm Önerileri", Yönetim: İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi İşletme İktisadi Enstitüsü Dergisi, Cilt: 15, Sayı: 48, ss. 38-50.
- Tanrıkulu, Z. (2004), "Yüksek Öğrenim Derslerinde Web Desteğinin Öğrenciler Üzerindeki Etkileri", Pamukkale Üniversitesi Egitim Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt: 15, ss. 3-6.
- Coskun, A., Tanrikulu, Z. (2016), "Technological Sustainability of Mobile Learning", ISTEC 2016 International Science and Technology Conference, Vienna, Austria, 12-15 July 2016.
- Coskun, A., Tanrikulu, Z. (2016), "Smart Technologies and The Course Contents of the Departments of Management Information Systems at Universities in Turkey", 3rd International Management Information Systems Conference, İzmir, Turkey, 6-8 October.
- Coskun, A., Tanrikulu, Z. (2015), "Mobile Learning - Continued Success or Emerging Problems?", The 17th Annual International Conference on Education 2015, Athens, Greece, 18-21 May 2015.
- Coskun, A., Tanrikulu, Z. (2015), "Significant Developmental Factors that Can Affect the Sustainability of Mobile Learning", Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Proceedings of WCES 2014, Vol: 191, No: 2015, pp. 2089–2096, Valletta, Malta, 06-09 February 2014.
- Tanrikulu, Z. (2011), "A Web Portal Model for NGO's Knowledge Management", Abstracts Books of the International Conference on Integrated Information, Eds: Giannakopoulos, G., Sakas, D., Vlachos, D., Kyriaki, D., pp. 52, Greece, September 29-October 3 2011.
- Dogan, N., Tanrikulu, Z. (2010), "A Comparative Framework for Evaluating Classification Algorithms", Proceedings of WCE2010 - The World Congress on Engineering 2010, International Conference of Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering ICDMKE2010 track, Vol: 1, pp. 309-314, London, UK.
- Tanrikulu, Z., Tugcu, C., Yilmaz, S. (2010), "e-University: Critical Success Factors", Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Proceedings of WCES2010 - Innovation and Creativity in Education, Vol: 2, No: 2, pp. 1253-1259, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Tanrikulu, Z., Baykuslar, H., Ciplak, S. C. (2010), "Design and Implementation of an Integrated Content Management System for Educational Purposes", Proceedings of Future-Learning 2010 - 3rd International Conference on “Innovations in Learning for the Future 2010: e-Learning, pp. 629-638, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Kor, B., Tanrikulu, Z. (2008), "Evaluation of E-Learning Systems: Standards and Choosing Test Tools", 2nd International Future-Learning Conference on Innovations in Learning for the Future 2008: e-Learning, pp. 764-771, Istanbul, Turkey, 27-29 March.
- Kor, B., Tanrikulu, Z. (2008), "Evaluation of Learning Management Systems with Test Tools", Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2008 20 th World Conference of Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, pp. 5261-5266, Vienna, Austria, June 30- July 4, 2008.
- Tanrikulu, Z., Alacatli, A. (2006), "Web Usage for Investor Relationship of the Joint Stock Corporations and Design of a Web-Content Management Tool", in Khalid S. Soliman (Ed.), Internet & Information Systems in the Digital Age: Challenges & Solutions, Proceedings of the 7th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA) Conference, Brescia, Italy, 14-16 December 2006, ISBN: 0-9753393-6-2,802-808.
- Çinlarses, T., Tanrikulu, Z. (2006), "System Analysis, Design and Implementation: A Learning Portal Management System for Training the Employees", in A. Mendez-Vilas, A. Solano Martin, J. A. Mesa Gonzalez and J. Mesa Gonzalez (Eds.), Current Developments in Technology-Assisted Education, Fourth International Conference on Multimedia and Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Vol: 3, pp. 1838-1843, Sevilla, Spain, 22-25 November 2006, ISBN: 84-690-2474-4.
- Tanrikulu, Z. (2006), "Web Service Based Information Systems Usage of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises", Proceedings of the 5th Knowledge, Economy and Management Congress, Vol: 2, pp. 547-557, Kocaeli, Turkey, 3-5 November 2006.
- Tanrikulu, Z. (2006), "Computer-Based Math Lessons Design for Preschool Children", Proceedings of the 12th International Conference NETTIES 2006- The Future of E: Advance Educational Technologies for a Future e-Europe, pp. 251-255, Timisoara, Romania, 6-9 September 2006.
- Tanrikulu, Z. (2004), "Research of Importance and State of e-Learning in Preschool Education", Proceedings of the First International Conference on Innovations in Learning for the Future: e-Learning, pp. 51-61, Istanbul, Turkey, 26-27 October 2004.
- Tanrikulu, Z., Atmaca, T. (2008), "ERP Sistemlerine Geçis Sürecinde Karsilasilan Sorunlar: Bir Tekstil Sirketi Incelemesi", 2. Istanbul Bilisim Kongresi-Kurumsal Yazilim 2008 Bildiri Kitabi, ss. 213-220, İstanbul, Türkiye, 3- 4 Haziran.
- Tanrikulu, Z. (2003), "Teknolojinin Ögretim Elemanlari ve Ögrencilerin Iletisimi Üzerindeki Etkisi", IX. Türkiye'de Internet Konferansi Bildirileri, İstanbul, Türkiye.